When using Environments on an Enterprise plan, you can link, unlink, or push content entries in bulk.
To get the most out of this document, you should already have the following:
- Builder Admin permissions in a Space with an Enterprise plan
- More than one environment with multiple content entries
- Familiarity with Using Environments, including syncing and pushing models and content entries
When you link content entries, all unpushed changes in the child environment are overwritten. If you want to keep your changes in the child environment, you must push to your main environment first.
To link multiple content entries simultaneously:
- Go to Content.
- Select the unlinked content entries you'd like to link.
- Click Link.
- When you're certain you've already pushed changes you want to keep—or are ok with unpushed changes being overwritten—click the Activate Live Sync button.
The video below shows this process with example QA environment:
When you link content entries, the content entries as well as the models must exist in the main environment as well.
To unlink multiple content entries simultaneously:
- Go to Content.
- Select the content entries you'd like to unlink.
- Click Unlink.
- In the dialogue that opens, confirm that you are turning off Live Sync and that you understand that these content entries will no longer receive live updates by this action.
- Click the Turn Off Live Sync button.
The video below shows this process with example QA environment:
To push multiple content entries simultaneously:
- Go to Content.
- Select the content entries you'd like to push.
- Click Push.
- Select the environment you want to push to.
- In the dialogue that opens, confirm that you are aware that this will overwrite any previously existing content in the destination environment.
- Confirm that the environments are correct.
- Check or uncheck the option to publish upon push in the destination environment.
- Click the Push Now button.
The video below shows this process with example QA and main evironments:
When you push content entries, the content entries as well as the models must exist in both environments.
This document covered bulk actions specific to environments. For more information on all bulk actions available, read Bulk Actions.